

How much is the liquidation penalty?

Can you give me an example?

Sure! A couple of them here:

Example 1

Clara deposits 15 LINK and borrows 7 USDC worth of USDC (yes, she borrows USDC to hold USDC).

If Clara's Health Factor drops below 1, her loan will be eligible for liquidation. A liquidator can repay up to 50% of the borrowed amount, which is 3.5 USDC. In return, the liquidator can claim 15 LINK (the collateral) with an additional bonus of 0.75 LINK (5% of the collateral value).

This means the liquidator would get a total benefit of 3.5 USDC (debt repaid) + 0.75 LINK (bonus) for taking on the liquidated debt.

Example 2

David deposits 5 ETH and 4 ETH worth of UNI tokens, and borrows 5 ETH worth of DAI.

If David's Health Factor drops below 1, his loan will be eligible for liquidation. A liquidator can repay up to 50% of the borrowed amount, which is 2.5 ETH worth of DAI. Since the liquidation bonus is higher for UNI (15%) compared to ETH (5%), the liquidator chooses to claim UNI tokens as collateral.

Therefore, the liquidator would receive 2.5 ETH worth of UNI tokens (collateral) along with an additional bonus of 0.375 ETH worth of UNI tokens (15% of the collateral value). This translates to a total benefit of 2.5 ETH worth of DAI (debt repaid) + 0.375 ETH worth of UNI (bonus) for taking on the liquidated debt.

How can I avoid getting liquidated?

To avoid liquidation you can raise your health factor by depositing more collateral assets or repaying part of your loan. By default, repayments increase your health factor more than deposits. Also, it's important to monitor your health factor and keep it high to avoid a liquidation. Keeping your health factor over 2, for example, gives you more of a margin to avoid a liquidation.

Can I participate in the liquidations ecosystem?

Yes, liquidations are open to anyone, but there is a lot of competition. Normally liquidators develop their own solutions and bots to be the first ones liquidating loans to get the liquidation bonus.

Last updated