fLP stats

From the Manage page, view relevant statistics related to fLP.

Your Locked fLP: The fluctuating value of fLP caused by volatility on the underlying tokens- FLZ & WFTM

fLP USD Value = (TWAP(FLZ, 1 hr) * FLZInLp) + (wftmPrice * wftmInLp) / LP Supply

fLP Locked (global): The total value of all fLP locked on Fantom.

Daily platform fees (global): The total platform fees vary daily based on the amount of borrowing interest, liquidations, and flash loan fees the protocol generates over a rolling 24hr period. Daily platform fees are distributed linearly over seven days.

Your share: The percentage of global daily platform fees that is your share, based on your locked fLP in relation to the size of globally locked fLP.

Calculation: (User share of fLP * user avg. fLP Multiplier) / (Total Protocol fLP * Global Protocol avg. multiplier) The average multiplier is based on your lock length selected each time you perform a lock/relock or zap/auto-compound into fLP.

Calculation: For example, User 1:

- Total: 2 fLP locked / 13x Avg. Multiplier

- 1 fLP Locked for 1 year (25x multiplier)

- 1 fLP Locked for 1 month (1x multiplier)

Total Annual Platform Fees: Amount of projected protocol fees received by a user over the course of 365 days, based on an extrapolated 24h sample of Global Protocol Fees

Calculation: (User Daily Protocol Fees * 365)

Your Current Lock APR:

  • Definition: User Specific Lock APR depending on Avg. Multiplier

  • Calculation: (Global 1 month Locking APR * User Avg Multiplier)

For calculations related to "Max Locking APR" on the Markets page, go here.

For calculations related to the Zapping Modal, go here.

Last updated