

Feliz allows you to repay your debt/loans with your deposited collateral or wallet balance. More information can be found below.

How do I repay with my wallet balance/deposits?

In order to repay with your assets you just need to go to the Dashboard and follow these steps:

- Click on repay on the debt you want to repay.

- Choose repay with token balance in wallet or aToken.

- Input the amount you want to repay or click MAX.

- Make sure to check the switch rate and check the slippage. You can edit it based on your preferences. Depending on the slippage, the expected might differ and the transaction might even fail if you set it too low. After this click on Continue.

- In the next step you need to send the approval and submit the transaction. The approval transaction will only be required the 1st time you do this step, unless you revoke the approval.

- Make sure to have enough FTM for the transaction cost. After sending both transactions your repayment will be done.

Last updated